Category Archives: General

General comments, issues and recommendations about your home. From maintenance to construction related items.

Home buying frustrations

Home buying use to be a fun and exhilarating experience.  Looking for that just right home you and your family.  The perfect yard, size of home or garage.  Well, in the last few years, the process has went from exhilarating to frustrating.  So many buyers, so few homes, quick decisions on to put in an Home buying frustrations

End of year, start of new….

Well folks, we are coming to the end of 2022.   From a home inspection view, it was ugly.  The word on the street was a vast majority where buying homes without home inspections.  We find this absurd, not only because it’s our business, but for other reasons like legal, financial equity, cost of repairs and End of year, start of new….

Real Estate market has turned upside down……

With rising prices in every aspect of our lives, it is wise to spend your money efficiently. The old saying “buying a home will be the biggest investment in your life” is true. Home prices have risen drastically in the past 2 years. With this the amount of buyers as also increased, also to add Real Estate market has turned upside down……

Buying a home without an inspection!

This is a very tough market these days to find a home that meets your needs much less purchase it. I’m hearing about bidding wars, paying over asking and even excluding a home inspection. I know it gets frustrating loosing out on so many homes, frustration must set in, and the fact that you NEED Buying a home without an inspection!


MK & Associates has always been grateful to buyers and sellers. We have always entered homes with respect, courtesy, and thoughtfulness. Especially during this time, we want to assure you that we are following recommendations to minimize risk to our inspectors, buyers, homeowners and Realtors. This time of increased awareness is a opportunity to make Covid-19

Modifying Your Kitchen to help a visually impaired person

4 Kitchen Modifications for Someone with a Visual Impairment With so much time spent in the kitchen and so many important tasks accomplished there, this is one room in your house that should take priority when you are making home accommodations for a loved one with a visual impairment. From contrasting colors to speaking timers, Modifying Your Kitchen to help a visually impaired person